Sunday, March 6, 2011

Gun/Weapon Control

So, I've decided I'd like to talk about gun control today.
An age-old question is whether or not guns should be controlled/banned (like in the EU), or relative freedom of guns, such as in the US. Many people have varying opinions on the matter - here's mine:

There will likely never be absolutely no guns in the world. Someone, somewhere is going to know how to produce and manufacture them, and if there are no others, they will make a shitton of profit off of making them. Banning guns for the sake of safety is a bad idea simply because then only the "bad" people will have guns - and that doesn't make me feel safe.

If everyone had guns, much more people would think twice about breaking and entering, holding up a bank, shooting up a school, etc.

If guns were banned, the amount of murders/killings would not decrease - other weapons, mainly knives, would still exist as it's impossible to ban them. Sure, accidental deaths might decrease, but responsibility is a big factor in owning a gun. Responsible gun owners and their families/kids don't accidentally shoot themselves.

So what does everyone else think? Own any weapons or guns yourself? (not too much of a weapons buff - only have a balisong at the moment, but I'm increasing my knowledge [and eventually collection] of them; some fascinating stuff)

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