Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thoughts for third-gen tablets...

Today a friend and I were discussing tablets (specifically the upcoming iPad 2) and something occurred to me that seems quite obvious now. An absolutely brilliant idea for Apple (or really, any tablet manufacturer [Motorola, Samsung, etc.]) would be to focus on including at least 3 cameras - 2 in the front, one in the back. The reason for this is to create a "kinect-effect" - where the tablet can now put 2 images together from slightly different angles and thus "see" in 3D space. This is what Microsoft's Kinect does for Xbox 360, and they are currently developing new and exciting uses for this dual-cam system:

Most people reading this have almost definitely heard about or used the Kinect by now (and if not, do; it's actually quite fun). The new realms that could be opened by incorporating this idea into a tablet are endless. Apps and games would evolve like never before. I'm not sure about possible patents M$ has for the dual-camera system, but I believe if this were to be incorporated successfully into a tablet it would be just as, if not more, exciting than when the first iPhone came out with the then-new touch screen with multitouch gestures etc.

What do you all think of this? Possible for the iPad 3 (or 4)? Think it'll come to fruition in the near future for tablets? The processing power needed would probably be more than the current gen of tablets has, but in a year or 2 technology will obviously be smaller, more efficient, and all that good stuff... so maybe then. If it does happen, I'd seriously think about investing in a tablet as it would revolutionize how we interact with computers and technology as a whole (imho).


  1. I think apple should consider it, cause it seems like a awesome idea. I also want a dual camera system now XD

  2. steve jobs is already hatching schemes in his secret laboratory
